AWS Community Day Netherlands 2022
This was the 2n AWS Community Day in 2022 and in this case took place in Amersfoort.

In total there was 76 speakers! A huge event with tons of great presentations and content to learn from. If you want to see the full list of speakers you can check them here:
During this event I could met in person a lot of new people and people I was following on social media and it was really great to see them in person and have the opportunity to chat with them!

For the people that missed there is also available the session on the Main Stage with Dr. Werner Vogels! Really nice to see him in person ๐

Main Stage Fireside Chat with Dr. Werner Vogels
Also an after movie has been created and you can watch it again here:
After Movie AWS Community Day NL 2022
Here are some of the pictures I did on the event: