AWS Meetup at Itility Eindhoven
On this event there was 4 speakers:

### Cloud Spaces to enable cloudification of applications
Speaker: Fleur Kappen, Itility
At our customers we see a shift from IaaS applications to more Cloud Native applications. That in combination with DevOps ways of working, causes a shift in responsibilities and requires a different mode of operations. For that, we developed Cloud Spaces. Guardrails ensure cost and security do not cross essentials boundaries, in addition tools to stay in control are provided, and building is simplified by the availability of predefined secure, cloud native building blocks (products) and pipelines.
About Fleur: Practice lead IT Consultancy & Cloud at Itility. In her 12 years at Itility she has fulfilled a diversity of roles: project delivery, finance, project lead. It all started with her traineeship writing a thesus on mission and values of Itility – these were then and still are PILSI: Passion, Inhoud (content), Leveren (deliver), Samen (toegther) and Innovation. (ofcourse there also is a PILSI beer to taste the values)
### Learnings from cloudifying an application
Speaker: Bowie Bartels, Itility
How we Cloudified an packaging application. Talking about the architecture and lessons learned at one of our projects, where we fully cloudified one of the applications, an Automotive Software Package Manager. Reason was that it had a very heavy delivery model: each software component having one installer, taking 11 downloads and 13 mins to install. We moved the application from IaaS to AWS PaaS in this multi-Cloud use case. Added an Atlassian Bitbucket integration. Created a container build pipeline and a development pipeline. Starting with EC2 Image builder, using Azure Key Vault, integrating with BitBucket via API Gateway and Lambda, containerizing from BitBucket to AWS CodeBuild, ECR, EventBridgeLambda and Fargate and automating in an AWS CDK.
About Bowie: Bowie has been in the cloud space during his whole career in Itility – implementing CCoE’s at many customers such as ASML, Vanderlande, NXP, in AWS, Azure and GCP. In addition: he likes his occasional (PILSI) beer and is moving back and forth between Belgium and Eindhoven.
### Building a production-ready, low-ops, serverless event management platform
Speaker: Luuk Rutten, CloudNation
Building a serverless platform does not come without challenges. During this talk, you will learn how serverless services work together at scale, where bottlenecks are formed, and how we mitigated these bottlenecks to create a production ready, cost-effective event management platform for a logistics company. We will share tips and lessons learned for simplifying operations in a serverless environment.
### Build powerful machine learning models without writing any code
Speaker: Felipe Augusto Chies, Amazon Web Services
Business users are increasingly expected to apply machine learning to improve predictions quality and increase business outcomes. However, developing data science and data engineering skills can be time consuming. In this session, you will be introduced to the Amazon SageMaker Canvas service, which will enable you to easily build high quality ML models using Amazon SageMaker and AutoML capabilities without having to write any code.
This are some of the pictures I did from the event: